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Energy Glossary

Energy Terms Glossary

You can read the terms more easily with the glossary we created for the descriptions and use areas of energy terms, as well as the calculation methods.

Subsidiary Services

It refers to the services defined in the Electrical Grid Regulation.

Yenilenebilir Enerji

Yenilenebilir enerji, doğal süreçlerle sürekli olarak yenilenen kaynaklardan elde edilen enerjidir. Güneş, rüzgar, su, biyokütle ve jeotermal enerjiler bu kategoriye girer ve fosil yakıtlara göre daha çevre dostudur.Detaylı bilgi için "Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Nelerdir?" yazımızı inceleyebilirsiniz.

Load Input Order

It is a notification, which is sent by the system operator or the Market Operator to the market participants who participate in the balancing energy market, for load inputs of such participants.

Load Input Proposal Price

It is the unit price requested for load input by the market participants who participate in the balancing energy market.

Load Input Proposal Amount

It is the amount of production increase or consumption reduction that the market participants who participate in the balancing energy market propose to make in the relevant balancing unit.

Load Input Proposal

It is the proposal that is made by the market participants who participate in the balancing energy market to input load and that contains details such as the price, amount and the validity period.

Load Input Proposal

It is the proposal that is made by the market participants who participate in the balancing energy market to input load and that contains details such as the price, amount and the validity period.

Load Input Order Proposal

The energy sales proposals in situations in which a balancing unit sells energy to the system by increasing its production or reducing its consumption, according to the orders given by the system operator.

Load Rejection Order

It is a notification, which is sent by the system operator or the Market Operator to the market participants who participate in the balancing energy market, for load rejections of such participants.

Load Rejection Proposal Price

It is the unit price requested for load rejection by the market participants who participate in the balancing energy market.

Load Rejection Proposal Amount

It is the amount of production reduction or consumption increase that the market participants who participate in the balancing energy market propose to make in the relevant balancing unit.

Load Rejection Proposal

It is the proposal that is made by the market participants who participate in the balancing energy market to reject load and that contains details such as the price, amount and the validity period.

Load Rejection

It is a situation in which a balancing unit buys energy from the system by reducing its production or increasing its consumption, according to the orders given by the system operator.

High Voltage

System that carries high voltage electric current.