The End Source Supply Tariff (“SKTT”) is a tariff structure that is applied for customers who are eligible consumers and do not supply electrical energy through bilateral agreements in the electricity market in Türkiye. For a legal or natural person to be an eligible consumer, they must consume more electrical energy than the amount determined by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (“EPDK”), or be directly connected to the transmission system, or be an organized industrial zone legal person.
SKTT is a cost-based tariff created to ensure continuity of the electrical energy supply, and is determined as per the Electricity Market Law, Electricity Market Tariffs Regulation and the relevant regulations. This tariff applies to consumers whose annual electricity consumption exceeds the eligible consumer limits.
Your bill will be issued with the following formula: SKTT = (PTF* + YEKDEM**) x K*** Coefficient.
*PTF (Market Clearing Price): PTF in the formula is the mean of the weighted average daily market clearing prices on the organized wholesale market for the relevant billing period.
**YEKDEM (Support Mechanism for Renewable Energy Sources): These are the costs to support renewable energy sources.
YEKDEM in the formula is calculated by dividing the sum of the product (multiplication) of the YEKDEM unit price estimated by EPKD for each month in the relevant billing period and the number of days corresponding to that month, by the sum of the number of days in each month in said billing period.
***K Coefficient: This is the coefficient determined by EPDK.
This formula determines the unit price of the electrical energy applied for consumers. Customers invoiced under SKTT are charged over the sum of these elements.
Takvim yılı bazlı uygulama nedir?

Consumption limits under SKTT were changed upon the decision by EPDK published in the Official Gazette dated 16 November 2024. This update shall affect consumers reaching a certain consumption limit and be valid as of 1 February 2025.
Consumers under the End Source Supply Tariff:
- Can purchase energy for the SKTT prices determined by EPDK from the supply company authorized in their regions.
- Alternatively, they can agree with independent suppliers to supply energy on different prices.
The following subscribers whose annual electricity consumption is at or above 5,000 kWh and that are covered by the residential consumer group:
- Public bodies and institutions,
- Local administrations,
- Residential detached buildings; apartment buildings and independent sections inside apartment buildings; housing cooperatives and housing estates,
- Heater, elevator, hydrophore, staircase timer, housekeeper's apartment and similar common use places measured with separate meters.
Commercial and
Industrial Subscribers
It covers consumers the public and private services consumer group as well as the industrial group with annual consumption at or above 15,000 kWh.
The annual limit of 100 million kWh shall continue to apply. Aside from those specifically described above, this group also covers consumers that are in the residential subscriber and agricultural activities subscriber groups.
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Residential subscribers: The following subscribers whose annual electricity consumption is at or above 5,000 kWh and that are covered by the residential consumer group:
- Public bodies and institutions
- Local administrations
- Residential detached buildings; apartment buildings and independent sections inside apartment buildings; housing cooperatives and housing estates
- Heater, elevator, hydrophore, staircase timer, housekeeper's apartment and similar common use places measured with separate meters.
Commercial and Industrial Subscribers: It covers consumers the public and private services consumer group as well as the industrial group with an annual electricity consumption at or above 15,000 kWh.
Other consumers: The annual limit of 100 million kWh shall continue to apply. Aside from those specifically described above, this group also covers consumers that are in the residential subscriber and agricultural activities subscriber groups.
Consumers that are covered by the End Source Supply Tariff are informed by the distribution companies authorized for the relevant regions. You can contact the distribution company authorized for your region to get information.
The standard ratio in the End Source Supply Tariff is annually determined by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (“EPDK”). For decisions by said authoritiy, you can visit
You can confirm the End Source Supply Tariff ratio on the Authority Decision on the End Source Supply Tariff on the official website of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority
Currently, calculations are made over the VAT rates that apply to each subscriber group. For Residential and Agricultural Activities subscriber groups, this rate is 10%. For Industry and Public, Private Services and Other subscriber groups, it is 20%.
Consumers who already have an ongoing retail sales contract and detected to have changed to the high-consumption consumer group as per Decision No. 12989 and dated 07.11.2024 of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority shall be automatically included in the End Source Supply Tariff.
This process is dependent on the period of signature of the contract and may vary between 25 and 55 days. According to the Electricity Market Balancing and Reconciliation Regulation, request processes of the eligible consumer are completed on the last business day before the 6th day of the month following the month of signature of the bilateral agreement. Once the request procedures are completed, electricity supply shall commence under the bilateral agreement on the first day of the following month. For example, for a bilateral agreement signed on 21.11.2024, the request procedure shall be completed on 05.12.2024 and the subscriber shall become an eligible consumer on 01.01.2025.
A deposit amount may be requested by authorized supply companies as per Article 25 and subsequent articles of the Electricity Market Consumer Services Regulation.
If you have installations for which you have more than one subscription, only the consumption points that exceed the limits determined by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority shall be invoiced under the End Source Supply Tariff. Bills for your other subscriptions shall continue to be issued over your current tariff.
When determining the SKTT, the electricity consumption on the installation of subscription is calculated considering the relevant calendar year as well as the previous calendar year. Consumers whose previous year or current year consumption exceeds the defined limit shall be assessed under SKTT.
For the distribution system users; the ownership, replacement and maintenance procedures of meters belong to the distribution company authorized in your region. Therefore, meter replacement is carried out independently of the End Source Supply Tariff process; no meter replacement is required under this tariff or in direct relation to the tariff.
If consumer debts are not paid on time, a second notice stipulating a payment period of 5 business days shall be sent in writing to the consumer as per Article 35/2-3 titled “Debts Not Paid On Time” in the Electricity Market Consumer Services Regulation (“the Regulation”). If the consumer does not pay their debt by the end of this period, their electricity shall be cut off. For the consumer whose electricity was cut off after the second notice, a new notice shall be issued for them to pay their debts together with the late fees within 30 days. If the consumer does not pay their debt within this period or does not commit to pay it as per the calendar determined by the supplier, the accrued debt shall
be set off from the consumer’s deposit amount under the responsibility of the supplier. Once the consumer completes the deposit amount, energy shall be supplied again to the point of use. If the deposit amount is not adequate to pay the total amount of bill, a notice shall be issue for the consumer to inform them that if they pay the debt amount together with the deposit amount for set-off within 15 days, their energy shall be supplied again; if not, their contract may be terminated and legal procedures against them shall be initiated.
As per Article 36 of the Electricity Market Consumer Services Regulation, if the consumer raises an objection against the bill and the elements that constitute the basis for billing, they have the right to object to the supplier within a year. The objection shall be reviewed and concluded by the supplier in 10 business days maximum following the date of application. If it is found that the objection is related to aspects that concern the distribution company, information shall be requested from the authorized distribution company as per the objection.