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Electricity Tariffs

Electricity Tariffs

Customer Services

Please see below for our tariffs for non-eligible consumers and end source supply consumers as per the Regulation on Electricity Market Consumer Services.

Customer Segment Annual Consumption Tariff Type Description
Non-Eligible Consumers 750 kWh altı Retail Sales Tariff (National Tariff)

It is the national tariff determined by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) for the Tariff Groups above.
Click here to see the tables for currently applied national tariffs.

End Source Supply Consumers (Low Consumption) Mesken: Yıllık 5.000 kWh ve altı
Diğer: Yıllık 100 milyon kWh ve altı
Sanayi, Kamu ve Özel Hizmetler Sektörü İle: Yıllık 15.000 kWh ve altı
Retail Sales Tariff (National Tariff)

It is the national tariff determined by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) for the Tariff Groups above.
https://www.epdk.gov.tr/Detay/Icerik/3-1327/elektrik-faturalarina-esas-tarife-tablolari  to see the tables for currently applied national tariffs.

End Source Supply Consumers (High Consumption) Mesken: Yıllık 5.000 kWh ve üstü
Diğer: Yıllık 100 milyon kWh ve üstü
Sanayi, Kamu ve Özel Hizmetler Sektörü İle: Yıllık 15.000 kWh ve üstü
End Source Supply Tariff

It is the tariff determined by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK), effective as of 1 January 2021, for all installations except for “Residential” subscribers with an annual consumption at or above 7 million kWh. End Source Supply Tariff is calculated as follows: (Market Clearing Price + Renewable Energy Sources Support Mechanism) * Coefficient Determined by the Board (1.0938). If this calculation results in a number lower than the single-time energy unit price applied as per the national tariff, then the calculation is performed using the unit price in the national tariff table for the subscription group to which the consumer belongs in the relevant period. Click here for further information.