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Who is Stephen Hawking? His Life and Legacy


Who is Stephen Hawking? His Life and Legacy

14 February 2025 - Author : Aydem Perakende
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Accepted to be one of the most brilliant minds of modern physics, Stephen Hawking inspired the whole world with his theories shedding light on the deepest mysteries of universe as well as his life story. Despite the ALS disease he contracted at age 21, Hawking ceaselessly continued his scientific work, making a revolution in the world of science through his studies on black holes and cosmology. Recognized both as a scientist and a symbol of determination, Hawking worked on questions on the origin of universe while also leaving a deep trace on popular culture. Let’s discover the interesting story of Stephen Hawking together by taking a closer look at his life, work and his contributions to the world of science.



Early Years and First Steps of Stephen Hawking

Born in Oxford, England on 8 January, 1942, Stephen Hawking showed excellent performance in education starting from early ages. Born to a biologist father, Hawking inherited his interest in science and research from his family. In the first years of his educational life, Hawking turned towards mathematics and physics, proving his gift in these fields in a short time. After completing his bachelor’s degree successfully at the University of Oxford, he started at the University of Cambridge to work on cosmology. Hawking stepped into the world of science at a young age, and started to shape his studies with the aim to develop big theories.

Handling major questions on universe during his education at Cambridge, he attracted the attention especially for this interest in black holes and cosmology. This interest allowed him to construct a basis for subsequent research, which later on would earn him an important place in physics. Despite his young age, he earned reputation at Cambridge thanks to his intelligence and vision. In the early stages of his academic life, he focused on basic studies like the start of the universe and the structure of black holes, which quickly made him widely known in the scientific world.

His Incredible Combat With ALS and How He Held on to Life

At 21, Stephen Hawking contracted a motor neuron disease called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Although doctors said that the disease was progressive and terminal and that he only had a few years to live, Stephen Hawking did not lose hope; he lived to fight despite the physical restrictions that the disease caused and decided to beat it through his love for life. In spite of the physical restrictions caused by ALS, he kept his mind and scientific work alive and showed an exemplary behavior for a challenging combat.

Through his fight against ALS, Hawking’s body increasingly lost its mobility but this did not stop his scientific work. In the following years, Hawking also lost his speech and started to communicate via a special device. His wheelchair and computer-based speech device allowed him to be heard by the whole world. Hawking did not cease his scientific research despite this challenging process and developed revolutionary theories on subjects like black holes, entropy and the nature of the universe.

5 Big Discoveries That Crack-Opened the Doors of the Universe

Making a revolution in physics and cosmology, Stephen Hawking expanded the limits of science through his discoveries. One of his most widely known theories, the “Hawking Radiation” revealed that the black holes are not completely dark unlike what was known before and that they in fact can evaporate in time by radiating energy. This theory greatly affected the general thought on the nature of black holes and the running of the universe. The theory of Hawking Radiation provided an important perspective not only on the structure of black holes but also the relation between quantum mechanics and the theory of general relativity.

Another significant contribution by Hawking is the “Singularity Theorem” he developed on the start of the universe. This theorem says that there is a large singularity (infinite density) at the start of the expanding structure of universe and this started with the Big Bang. Guiding researches on the origin of universe, this theory shed light on numerous questions in cosmology. Hawking also developed the “No-Boundary Theory” that tries to define the boundaries of space. According to this theory, the universe has no start or end. However, time and space are limited. This approach led to new horizons of thought on the structure of the universe.

The entropy of black holes as well as the relation he founded between black holes and thermodynamics are some of the other major scientific discoveries of Hawking. Suggesting that black holes were related to entropy, and the information loss actually complied with the second law of thermodynamics, Hawking made a big impact on the world of science. This discovery created a new perspective on the information paradox, leading the way for significant steps towards understanding the harmony between quantum physics and cosmology. Discoveries by Hawking are important scientific milestones that reveal the secrets of the universe.


Impacts of Stephen Hawking as an Icon in Science and Popular Culture

As an icon in popular culture as well as his major discoveries in the scientific world, Stephen Hawking published his book “A Brief History of Time” in 1988, explaining scientific theories in a clear language for readers, which significantly increased the interest in cosmology. The book sold millions of copies globally, introducing the scientific identity of Hawking to large masses. As Hawking simplified complicated theories of universe and thus strengthened the bond between science and the public, he became a figure loved by the general public.

Stephen Hawking also made a big impact in the world of cinema and television because of his life and combat. The biographical movie titled The Theory of Everything impressively showed both his scientific successes and his fight against the ALS disease. This movie did not only made Hawking’s life known to a large mass but also recognized his scientific legacy and determination. Hawking also was a guest star in popular shows such as The Simpsons and The Big Bang Theory, earning a place as a comic icon in the world of science.


Lasting Effect of Stephen Hawking on the World of Science

The permanent impact that Stephen Hawking left in the world of science has extraordinary contributions to cosmology and theoretical physics. Through theories on subjects like the structure of black holes and the start of the universe, Hawking made a great revolution in the world of physics and mathematics. In particular, the Hawking Radiation theory suggested that black holes could evaporate in time by radiating energy, which made traditional thoughts on the nature of the universe to be questioned. This theory did not only affected the physical structure of physics but also the relationship between quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity. Thus, he followed in Newton’s and Einstein’s footsteps and not only he questioned big questions on universe but he also created a foundation that guided subsequent scientific work.

The impact of Hawking is not limited to scientific discoveries; it also manifests in offering science to large masses. Bringing scientific theories together with the general public in a clear language with his book “A Brief History of Time”, Stephen Hawking made a breakthrough in his field with his books as well. The book made it possible for a bigger population to understand subjects like the structure of the universe, black holes and time, which enabled science to get a place in the agenda of the society. Hawking’s efforts to make science accessible to everyone made a breakthrough not only in academia but also in popular culture. His work and life story still inspire both scientists and the general public today.

The impact of Stephen Hawking on the world of science and popular culture is getting more and more valuable each day thanks to his theories, determination and the innovative approach he brought to major questions. Hawking made big contributions to an extensive range of subjects from black holes to the concept of time, which turned him into a figure that has affected not only scientists but readers overall.

So, what do you think is the biggest legacy of Stephen Hawking? Which one of his perspective on universe or scientific theories influences you the most? Would you share your thoughts about the legacy of this great scientist?




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