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Aydem Perakende Blog

Discover all you want to know about the energy sector and sectoral developments here!

ampermetre nedir
Aydem Perakende Blog

What Is an Ammeter?

01.03.2024 -Glossary
what is wave energy
Aydem Perakende Blog

What Exactly is Wave Energy and How Do We Generate It?

20.02.2024 -Information
static electric
Aydem Perakende Blog

What is Static Electricity? How is it Formed?

09.02.2024 -Information
What is Alternating Current
Aydem Perakende Blog

What is Alternating Current?

26.01.2024 -Glossary
magnetic field
Aydem Perakende Blog

What is a Magnetic Field? How is a Magnetic Field Formed?

11.01.2024 -Information
indusrty 4.0
Aydem Perakende Blog

What Exactly Is Industry 4.0? How Does It Impact the Energy Sector?

29.12.2023 -Sustainability
What is Ampere
Aydem Perakende Blog

What is Ampere? Discover the Unit of Ampere

20.12.2023 -Glossary
Ohm law
Aydem Perakende Blog

What is Ohm? Discover the Unit of Ohm

15.12.2023 -Glossary
what is e-mobility
Aydem Perakende Blog

Electric Vehicle Technology: What is E-mobility?

13.12.2023 -Sustainability
kwh nedir
Aydem Perakende Blog

What is kWh? How is kWh Calculated?

08.12.2023 -Glossary
What is Watt
Aydem Perakende Blog

What is Watt? How to Calculate with Watt Formula?

29.11.2023 -Glossary
What is Volt? What is the Volt Unit?
Aydem Perakende Blog

What is Volt? What is the Volt Unit?

26.11.2023 -Glossary
saving tips
Aydem Perakende Blog

Fall and Winter Energy Saving Tips

19.11.2023 -Sustainability
isaac newton
Aydem Perakende Blog

Who is Isaac Newton? Life and Inventions

10.11.2023 -History
What is Piezoelectricity?
Aydem Perakende Blog

What is Piezoelectricity? Usage Areas and History

03.11.2023 -Information
iyonlaşma enerjisi nedir
Aydem Perakende Blog

What is Ionization? What Does Ionization Energy Mean?

27.10.2023 -Information